Product Details All natural zero calorie sweetener. Non GMO (For more information about our natural standard and ingredients) visit (The ingredients in Pure Via are produced without bioengineering). Gluten-free. Suitable for individuals with diabetes. Together we can stop diabetes. American Diabetes Association. Pure Via is proud to support the stop diabetes movement. Nothing to hide. We understand that consumers have different ideas about what natural means. We want to share what natural means to us. We believe that an ingredient is natural if it exists in nature without human interference and has been extracted, or produced biologically, from plant material. We are proud that Pure Via's ingredients are non-GMO (not the product of bioengineering). Pure Via is an all natural zero calorie sweetener made from the pure, sweet extract of the Stevia plant A natural sweetness without all the calories, Pure Via delivers deliciousness to all your favorite foods and beverages. Enjoy! The ingredients in this product exist in nature and meet our natural standard. Each ingredient is processed to assure consistency, stability, and safety. Printed with environmentally friendly inks containing soy and vegetable oils. Discover more about our recipes or tips on how to use Pure Via at Facebook: and Twitter: Questions about Pure Via? Visit us at or call 1-800-824-2334. 100% recycled paperboard.
Ingredients Dextrose, Reb A (Stevia Extract), Natural Flavors.